Cheap Working Capital Loans
Are you an Entrepreneur? Become a member & Access flexible business loans on special terms.
Fast Loans approval, up to 3X your savings
Trusted by Millions. Loans that FIT your Life
We give working capital loans to power and grow your business. This type of loan is designed to enable all Bae-MSME Fund members, get their financial benefits from the Fund by helping them venture into sustainable and growth businesses. Apply Today
Working Capital BorrowPlan
Eligibility & Requirements:
- Must be a member for at least 6 months.
- Registered business or we assist you to get registered.
- National Identity Card.
- Must have TPIN.
- Must have proper plan for a sustainable business.
- Repayment term up to 12 months.
- Fixed interest, fixed term and at low interest rates.
- Make application download on platform.
- Origination fee 5%
- Loan issued 3X savings.
- Access the loan for order financing and to settle urgent business needs.
Development BorrowPlan
Eligibility & Requirements:
- Your savings act as collateral to access cheap credit.
- Borrow up to 5X your savings.
- Optional collateral in absence of sufficient savings.
- National Identity Card or Passport.
- Latest 3 last Pay Slip.
- Fixed Tenure of up to 24 months.
- Fixed monthly repayments.
- Given when you have experience and expertise in project.
98% of our registered clients recommend Bae-MSME Fund to their peers so they can also experience business growth benefits. Small business owners should know that when you go into a bank, they require many things as a condition to access a loan and obviously at exorbitant lending rates.
Bae-MSME Fund is HERE to level the playing field, bringing excluded and marginalized Malawians, most of whom are ambitious youth and women and those from urban slums to have equal access to financial opportunity. It is not about profit, but creating a platform that dramatically changes the economic trajectory of majority Malawians.
We leverage on financial technology to reach unbanked across the country to tackle the credit gap. Bae-MSME Fund is a for-profit social financial platform created to expand access to credit, lower cost of borrowing and inculcate a culture of saving.
We encourage you to save and venture into various growth enterprises so we can solve poverty. Access savings secured loans as you preserve hard-earned savings against youth wealth, instead of spending it. We also skill-up our members with business essential skills and prepare them with financial literacy and business best practice fundamentals. Together we can do so much more!
Benefits of bae-Borrow Plans
- Need a loan? Apply using our online portal. Within hours you will get feedback.
- EASY to see how much it will cost you before you apply.
- Access bae credit anytime, anywhere privately without complicated forms.
- Never miss a scheduled payment again.
- You are free to choose your repayment date.
- Access Credit at affordable rates.